The future of our society and the whole planet is related to sustainability, i.e. the ability to exist in the long term. We can only use as many resources as the planet Earth can steadily create. It is a balance between developing civilization and maintaining the services we need from the country. Already in 1987, the UN Commission defined sustainable development as a development that satisfies the needs of the current generation without deteriorating the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
We aim to seek to increase the ecological and climate sustainability of our scientific work within the Krč complex and in cooperation with management. We want to help create a sample academic environment considerate of natural resources, i.e. a workplace that consumes only enough natural resources to make his work sustainable in the long term. We refer to the Objectives of sustainable development according to the UN.
At the same time, our goal is to spread awareness of ecological and climate sustainability and the possibilities of its application in academic work. We are convinced that research institutions should be an example in this area and serve not only as a source of knowledge but also as a demonstration of competent proceedings.
At the current time, our team consists of these members:
- Institute of Physiology CAS: Kamil Vlček, Adam Eckhardt, Jakub Slepička, Marta Vandrovcová
- Institute of Microbiology CAS: Jana Vojtová
- Institute of Molecular Genetics CAS: Veronika Niederlová